New Opportunity:  CAM (Christian Assistance Ministry)  Food Pantry

PUMC volunteers at CAM about every 10 weeks on Monday and Wednesday , 10:00-1:00.  We need 4-5 people each day to pack food boxes and place in clients’ cars.  Contact Tommy Thomson, Mission Team Leader, or the church office to volunteer and/or for more information. Located in the Hardin County Jesus Cares building in Savannah.


Our Daily Bread

First Wednesday monthly.  Check back for restart dates.


Pickwick Southside Elementary School

Care baskets were packed and distributed the week of 8-17-20 to all the teachers at Pickwick Southside School.  The items in the baskets were given by Pickwick UMC members in February/March before COVID.  We hope that these care baskets with hand sanitizer, wipes, tissue box, pens, candy, post it notes, sharpies, dry erase markers, pencils, etc. will be a source of encouragement for our teachers.



Financial Support of Various Ministries

We support many Christian outreach ministries financially through our general budget and through the proceeds from the United Methodist Men’s annual Eddie Shaw Fish Fry.